Real Estate

Real Estate

We advise on all aspects of real estate and our advice is based on extensive experience. We know the market operators and their interests, which enables us to find commercial solutions with the parties involved.

We have handled cases involving various types of real estate over a great number of years and have a particularly in-depth knowledge of investment properties in operation or under development.

We assist all players in the market and handle all legal challenges, including, among others, in relation to:

  • Purchase and sale of real estate
  • Project development
  • Commercial and residential leases
  • Construction law

Contact us

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Jonatan Doost Viggers
Attorney-at-law, partner

Mob. +45 60 72 47 01

Søren Overgaard Eriksen
Attorney-at-law, partner, LL.M.

Mob. +45 42 67 80 50